Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

 My Daily Part of life

 I do not expect anything from you. You are just garbage. Everything is like hell if I have a relationship with you. You can use the brain? I have a lot of fucking guys make me happy and feels like paradise. He said, you love me. I cannot be trusted. Everyone can be selfish. Me too. Wakakak. Go to hell and I'll make it simple. I hate something like this, like you. Exactly. Be aware of your little bitches. Just go too far and not come back again. Fun World Without you here.
I feel like Psycho love. A Psycho would be upset if someone came out in a circle that made it. So, can you hear me? Not make a problem with me, if you want to save. yourself is an angel to save you from a big problem.
I felt dead at this time. My problems come daily, every time, every day.
I want to kill myself. It's too hard. I felt I was very different from each other.